The Definitive Guide on How to Create Sales Videos

Do Online Videos Convert?

I get asked a lot if video marketing is even a necessary part of a sales strategy. I simply respond with, hey did you notice how many posts contain a video the last time you checked your social media? Exactly! Video is no longer just a high budget production done once a year. It's central to your outreach and campaign efforts. Sales videos not only allow companies to strengthen their brand image, but really forge a closer bond with their prospects by addressing their objections and turning them into paying customers.

Industry Stats

Visitors who watch videos stay on the site twice as long and are 80% more likely to buy than those who saw no video. Best of all videos can lower your cost per lead 19%!

Video is within reach for businesses of virtually any size, team, and budget. According to LinkedIn, salespeople active on social media report 45% more sales opportunities. By some estimate’s videos are 53% times more likely to appear on the front page of a Google search than a text document. Still not sure if your team can even take on this strategy, below are some of the best tips I have shared with my clients to get you started.

First Tip: Use a Strong Hook 

At the very beginning of your video let the person on the other side know that you're about to solve their problem. Last week we discussed the mental state of prospects at the top of the funnel, videos are key for prospects understanding HOW your product or service is the best solution to their problem. You should make videos using the simplest titles possible with theme-specific content and what action you'd like your audience to complete after watching it.

Quick Recap

  • Focus on Specific Problems that Your Audience Has
  • Present Solutions to These Problems

Second Tip: Short and Entertaining 

Viewers lose interest over time. I often see too many businesses making their videos WAY too long. There's a lot that goes into making a video. This section will walk you through the detailed process of creating and publishing a video for your business.

  1. PLAN your video by starting with your business goals. 
  • Want to attract more customers - create a how-to video with a CTA
  • Delight current customers - produce a thank-you video with a discount code

Make sure you know what you want your video’s call to action to be. You can include your homepage URL, a “Click Here” button, a thumbnail of another video, social icons, or almost any other form of CTA.

  1. FIND your target audience and script your video to talk to them. One of the best ways to start any marketing campaign is to create a customer persona which includes information about a customer’s interests, pain points, and background
  1. FIGURE out what story you want to tell. The better your landing page copy and the video sales script addresses those motivations and resolves the pain points your customers face, the higher your conversion rate. To start your script, outline the following which serves as the framework of your story: 
  • Protagonist with a goal – this person should align with your persona.
  • Conflict – this is your customer’s pain point.
  • Quest – this will be how you introduce your product or service.
  • Resolution – this is how your product or service solves the problem.
  1. KEEP gear requirements in line.If you have a camera, a webcam, or a decent cell phone that can take video then you are on to a good start. Beyond the hardware, you will need good video editing software that can help enhance your production, like Video Shark. Your studio doesn’t have to be fancy, you can easily set up a filming space in your office without incurring a lot of costs.
  1. STICK to your timeline. With any video production, you might be tempted to go overboard. The key here is to know your objective, make it clear to the team, and stay on point.
  1. MAINTAIN a realistic budget. Video marketing does not necessarily have to cost a lot. It depends on what you want to produce; the level of expertise and equipment you have in-house, and the quality of production you want. You will first need to be prudent and set a budget before jumping into production. Doing so forces you to be realistic with your production and stick to your storyboard. By doing this, you also save an enormous amount of time because you don’t have to continue to grapple with second thoughts.

Final Tip: Insert a Lead Capture Form

Video is rocket fuel for any sales pipeline! You might be shaking your head in doubt, thinking capturing leads directly in a video is sacrilegious, after all didn’t step two only list using call to action (CTA) or social icons not email an capture. Adding an email capture form to your videos is one of the simplest ways to turn unknown viewers into known leads. Done right gives you the best possible chance of breaking through to your audience and increasing your revenue.

Boosting Conversion Rate

You've got your amazing video and the sales team is fired up. Now what? Distributing your video on the right channels is essential for your video’s success. Owned, paid, and earned distribution channels each have their own pros and cons, but using the right balance of them all can propel your video to new heights. YouTube is an extremely powerful medium and, if leveraged properly, it can be very effective for both marketing and sales.

 Video marketing is KING, all it takes is one good sales video and you can absolutely CRUSH it online. Need more info? If your business hasn’t capitalized on video storytelling, connect with us on YouTube today! 

Thank you reading, 
